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Meet the Team

Elaine White

Salon Owner & Beauty Therapist

Elaine is a highly experienced Beauty Therapist with a remarkable 30 year career in the beauty industry. Her extensive expertise encompasses a wide range of treatments, making her a versatile and sought after professional in her field. 

Throughout her three decades of practice, Elaine has honed her skills and knowledge, offering clients a diverse selection of beauty treatments tailored to their unique needs and preferences. Her specialization extends across various areas, including but not limited to: 

Skincare: Elaine is well-versed in various skincare treatments, from facials to laser skin rejuvenation, addressing concerns such as acne, aging and hyperpigmentation. 

Hair Removal: Elaine excels in multiple hair removal techniques, such as waxing, electrolysis and laser hair removal. 

Nail Care: Her expertise includes manicures and pedicures, ensuring clients hands and feet are impeccably groomed. 

Elaine White's dedication to staying updated with the latest industry trends and innovations has contributed to her long and successful career. Her commitment to providing top-notch service and personalized care has earned her a loyal clientele who value her skill, professionalism, and attention to detail. As a Beauty Therapist, Elaine White continues to make a significant impact in the beauty and wellness industry. 

Samantha Witcombe

Holistic Massage Therapist

Samantha is a experienced Holistic Massage Therapist with a impressive career spanning over 20 years in the spa industry. Her dedication to holistic wellness and her commitment to providing rejuvenating treatments have made her a respected and sought-after professional. 

Throughout her 20 year journey in the spa industry, Samantha's expertise extends to various holistic treatments:

Holistic Approach: Samantha approaches her work with a holistic perspective, considering the interconnectedness of the mind, body and spirit in the pursuit of overall well-being.

Extensive Experience: With over 20 years of experience, Samantha has developed a deep understanding of massage techniques, ensuring her clients receive treatments tailored to their specific needs.

Client-Centered Care: Samantha is known for her empathetic and client-centered approach. She takes the time to listen to her clients concerns and preferences, ensuring each session is customized to their desires. 

Samantha Witcombe's passion for holistic wellness and her years of experience in the spa industry have undoubtedly made her a trusted source of rejuvenation and relaxation for her clients. Her holistic approach to therapy goes beyond physical healing, aiming to restore balance and harmony to the lives of those she treats. 

To book directly with Samantha online please click on the treatments & prices drop down menu under 'Massage' section.

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